

                  Sara and Baloo's Christmas. 

Once upon the time, there was a little girl named Sara and a big dog called Baloo. They were very good friends.

One day, Sara went to get a Christmas tree but and she came back Baloo was confused and said -what's that tree doing in are house-and Sara said -Baloo is Christmas- Baloo didn't now what was Christmas so Sara explained to him.When Baloo knew about what's Christmas he was very happy but Sara interrupt he's filings- Baloo help me do the decorations for the tree if there's a tree but no decorations forget the presents, said Sara smiling. She knew that trick (it was for making your dog do something you should try sometimes with your dog) so Baloo helped Sara to make the decorations and then they make the card for father Christhmas ( Also called Santa Claus ) and they put socks for candy and decorated all the house. 
When it was time to go to bed Sara or Baloo could not sleep. It was an exciting night so Sara and Baloo heard a noise, what was that??? They said the to 2 at there bed Sara get up and she decided to go and wake up Baloo she get her flash light and go to his friend’s  room .Baloo had the same idea so the 2 find each other. Sara and Baloo went to investigate. And...It was Santa ! Santa say hello to them and Sara and Baloo become Santa’s favorite Elf’s                                                                                

                           The End


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